Also Available

Shadow Dash MS
Check this out! Connect to your MegaSquirt with any Android phone or tablet.
- Comes with Awesome dashboards - Bluetooth, WiFi or USB - Supports High Speed GPS - Log and view GPS - Log and view Accerometer - Use any TunerStudio dashboards - Standard msl log files
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Also Available

TS Dash Pro
Lean, fast starting Dashboard application for dedicated TunerStudio Dashboard.
Taking the power and flexibility of the dashboards in TunerStudio, put them into an lightweight fast application for use in permanent install Dashboards based on Raspberry Pi or others. Supports standard TunerStudio Projects and dashboards. Allows you to swipe through all the dashboards in your Project. Starts, connects and is displaying runtime data in under 3 seconds on a Raspberry Pi 4! Supported OS's: Windows, OS X and Linux.
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