Also Available

Shadow Dash MS
Check this out! Connect to your MegaSquirt with any Android phone or tablet.
- Comes with Awesome dashboards - Bluetooth, WiFi or USB - Supports High Speed GPS - Log and view GPS - Log and view Accerometer - Use any TunerStudio dashboards - Standard msl log files
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Also Available

TunerStudio MS
Sale Price! Normally $79.95 buy now and save $10.00
Registered Edition of TunerStudio for all supported after market standalone ECU's (Factory OEM and OBD2 not supported!!! There will be a restocking fee) - Unequaled Tuning Software featuring - VE Analyze Live! – Auto Tune. - Awesome Dashboards - Dashboard Designer mode Compare TunerStudio Editions
TunerStudio does not support Factory OEM or OBD2 tuning!
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